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Monthly reporting of results from Google Data Studio

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Monthly reporting of results from Google Data Studio

In the work of an agency, reporting results to clients is quite an important issue. This is not a simple matter and probably many people initially have problems with it. Copying files to csv format, pasting them, cutting charts, setting numbers in columns manually – all this is very time-consuming and laborious. How to prepare a clear and complete report in an accessible way?

In today’s article, we will briefly describe how you can deal with this problem and make your reporting more efficient.

Google is introducing a number of auxiliary tools to make work easier and faster. A tool that can come in handy in daily work is available to every user. It is about GOOGLE DATA STUDIO, which makes reporting from Analytics or AdWords much easier.

The process of combining data often requires access to and, consequently, familiarity with many tools. Using the aforementioned program, one can have access to key Google services in one place, in the Google Data Studio panel.

AdWords reporting in practice

Initially, you should review the tutorial where the functions of the program are described, it is very helpful. There is also a video tutorial available in the tool. Then when you are ready for the next step, that is, creating a report, for example, from a Google AdWords campaign, you need to connect your Google Data Studio account with Google AdWords (MCK).

When you connect my customer center (ICC) you can report results from each project.

adwords reporting

The tool is easy to use, and you can create your own reporting templates, or use the templates that the application has prepared.

Examples 1

google adwords report

Example 2

adwords report

The sample templates are easy to edit, so with this option we do not waste time creating our own report.

In the tool you can report not only data from your Google AdWords account, but from Search Console, YouTube Analytics and Google Analytics tools, among others. Preparing reports in this way is very transparent, and the data illustrates the situation of the project in a visually appealing way.

AdWords report in minutes, but with a catch when exporting

The tool has many advantages and is very helpful, but it is not without its drawbacks.

The main drawback is the lack of PDF export capability. Plug-ins have been created that make such things possible, but it is further underdeveloped to perfection.

In conclusion, Google Data Studio is undoubtedly worth testing and using systematically, but we hope for further updates to this tool from Google. If you are interested in reliable support for AdWords campaigns <- feel free to contact us!

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