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Google Partners Academy: product training

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Google Partners Academy: product training

Training is a good thing, and those conducted by certified trainers within the Google Partners Academy are even very good. And it’s not just about the hostesses who served its last installment (17-18.03.2014 Warsaw), although definitely, as the SeoFly delegation attending the training unanimously stated, they were its undeniable value, but above all about the huge dose of knowledge about Google AdWords given in an accessible and easily digestible way.

(Poznan) iSurvival with Maciek Lewinsky

The first to enter the “ring” was Maciek Lewinski and bluntly admitted that he is from… Poznan, which may not be a bad thing in itself, but strongly translates into purchasing decisions (“I renovated my apartment for two years, because I was looking for a washing machine at the right price for several months”) and the way the training was conducted. The hall, of course, picked up on this and didn’t let him forget “from whence his lineage” for the rest of the day. ?

But back to the substance… During his presentation we learned, among other things:

  • What is ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth) and why is it so important for e-Commerce PPC campaigns.
  • Why the remarketing list should not be long, and its life span should not exceed three days (for campaigns conducted in the e-commerce area).
  • How worthwhile it is to divide the keywords in our campaign by their effectiveness (celebrities, “milking cows”, “altogether unknown”, “bullets”).
  • How to analyze the effectiveness of campaigns using Google Analytics (what parameters to pay attention to and how to prepare custom reports).
  • And that flour is divided into flour and spelt flour, and that you shouldn’t send a guy to the store for the latter, because that way you can only hurt him… ? .

Leszek Krupa – the power of peace

Leszek Krupa had a completely different presentation from Maciek, at least in terms of the style of leading. It was quieter and less energetic than his predecessor’s, but that doesn’t mean it was also less interesting.

Leszek focused on slightly different aspects of running an AdWords campaign, namely:

  • He showed how to work on improving the Quality Score and what we really know and don’t know about it (Google doesn’t reveal its “all secrets” in this regard)
  • He tossed a simple patent for daily QS monitoring of even hundreds of phrases (script).
  • He told how it is with the Quality Score in GDN campaigns.
  • He showed how to build and optimize a campaign in PLA (since the end of the year, when Google launched this service, a lot has changed in this area).
  • He outlined howdynamic remarketing works and where and when to use it.

Product training with Analytics coming soon….

In short: it was worth it. That’s why we are looking forward to the next installment of the Google Partners Academy, which will take place at the end of April this year, and will be about Analytics.

Pawel Bak

SEM Specialist

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