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Creating an SEO backend – is it worth having a dedicated backend?

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Creating an SEO backend – is it worth having a dedicated backend?

Website positioning is now a key marketing support, from which one should start the promotion of any company. The foundation of these activities is the positioning base, i.e. thematic sites from which we obtain links to the company website. Preparing a valuable SEO back office involves a lot of analytical, copywriting, graphic design and IT work. Created pages, which are the backend, should represent valuable content embedded in an attractive layout. All this will make it possible to build not only a strong back office, but also websites that can serve the company as its own medium. As a result, building an SEO backend is a time-consuming process, which is why companies most often cooperate with agencies that use their resources for clients for the duration of the outsourced activities. Companies focused on raising sales and brand awareness online for the long term and effectively can consider building an SEO back-end that they own.


The so-called “back-end” should not be looked at in terms of sites, meant only to provide backlinks to the positioned site. The goal of Google and other search engines is to provide the most useful results possible to the user, so they give preference to portals in particular:

  • properly optimized,
  • visited by a large number of people,
  • Having unique and useful content,
  • integrated with social media.

Having sites that meet such ambitious criteria offers very great potential for a company. What are the benefits of a dedicated website backend? Thanks to it:

  • You support the brand – increasing its credibility and recognition
  • You boost sales – gaining additional sources of hits from sites visited by your target audience
  • Own your own media – which you can fully control
  • You gain the opportunity to earn additional income, for example, by broadcasting ads on the backend
  • You support the SEO process of your main website

Building a dedicated back office always requires a customized approach. Contact us for a free preparation of a strategy worth adopting for your business. We build supporting websites from scratch, but at the same time we offer existing websites for sale, which we develop systematically. Perhaps we already have something perfect for you?

Search engine optimization is currently the key marketing support and promotion of any company should start from it. A foundation of these activities is a SEO base, that is, thematic websites that we acquire links from to a company website. Preparing a valuable SEO base involves a high amount of analytical, copywriting, graphic work as well as within the scope of IT. The websites being a base should have valuable content in an attractive graphic layout. It will enable to build not only a strong base, but also websites that will serve companies as their own medium. As a result, building a SEO base is a time-consuming process, therefore, the companies usually find agencies that do it for them. The companies oriented toward long-term and effective increase of sales and brand awareness on the Internet may consider creation of their own SEO base.

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Jestem współzałożycielem agencji i koordynuję prace całego zespołu. Poza SEO, posiadam wieloletnie doświadczenie w copywritingu oraz public relations. Mam nadzieję, że podobał Ci się mój artykuł. Z chęcią odpowiem na każde pytanie dotyczące naszej pracy oraz projektów. Zapraszam do kontaktu! kom. 510796217 mail. korneliusz@seofly.pl

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