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Google merges its advertising platforms

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Google merges its advertising platforms

The tools offered by Google will finally get major changes after a dozen years. The new offering will include such services as Google Ads, Google Ad Manager and Google Marketing Platform. The changes implemented are primarily intended to make it easier for advertisers to work on the basis of advertising platforms, as well as to improve cooperation on the level of Internet marketing.

Google Adwords -> Google Ads

The Adwords platform has changed a lot over time. A number of treatments that affected it transformed the appearance, types of campaigns and advertising options directly. The goal of such efforts was, of course, to reach an increasingly wide audience. Google notes that one of the major changes is expected to positively affect smaller businesses. We are talking about a new type of campaign. Another novelty is also an innovative type of ads, for which the Google Marketing Live service is responsible. At the same time, the company stresses that the existing major advertising functions will not undergo major changes and will retain their functionality.

Google Ad Manager

It can be said that this service will be a combination of the functions of two previous tools: DoubleClick for Publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange. It is expected to directly affect the comprehensive management of enterprise resources and make the process more intuitive. Ad Manager will be a programmatic-type platform.

Google Marketing Platform

This new tool, in turn, is to be a hybrid of DoubleClik and Google Analytics 360 Suite. The main idea of the platform is to streamline and at the same time improve mutual cooperation between marketers, which affects the quality and results of the campaigns. In addition, the new platform will include a Display & Video 360 tool, which will bring together in one place the options previously available in DoubleClick Bid Manager, Studio and Audience Center and Campaign Manager.

When will we be able to test the new platforms and features proposed by Google? The new name of Google Ads and all the above-described changes to Google platforms will be implemented on July 24.

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