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Gmail Sponsored Promotions

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Gmail Sponsored Promotions

Gmail Sponsored Promotions is a new type of advertising available in Google AdWords. Admittedly, the largest advertisers in Poland have already been able to test it since last year ( and even earlier), but it is only now being made more widely available to smaller companies and independent specialists.

What is Gmail Sponsored Promotions?

This is a type of mailing that, using the AdWords panel, can be distributed in Gmail mailboxes (it is not possible to distribute it to non-“gmail” mailboxes).


Advertising in GSP consists of two elements.

  • Teaser – a short message containing the company’s logo, the title of the email, and a brief elaboration of it

  • Mail – an advertisement proper in graphic form, where the advertiser can place a redirect to his website (it opens after clicking on the teaser)

Mail GSP

It is worth mentioning here that the email is not placed in the box in the Main tab , but in the Offers.

An additional interesting fact is that Google allows you to save or forward an advertising email. Statistics on this type of action can later be tracked in the AdWords dashboard.

How does it work?

Gmail Sponsored Promotions provides several referrals that we can use in our campaigns. In addition to the standard ones like language, location, these are:

  • Keywords targeting selected keywords. AdWords analyzes the last three hundred emails of the potential recipients of our campaign and selects those mailboxes where the selected phrases are repeated in the messages.
  • Domains – targeting selected keywords. AdWords analyzes the last three hundred emails of potential recipients of our campaign and selects those mailboxes where selected domains (e.g. competitors) are repeated in the messages.
  • user interests – targeting user interests. The system selects the mailboxes of those people who have recently shown interest in a particular topic (e.g., studying, buying a phone, etc.).

At the moment, unfortunately, it is not possible to target selected email addresses.


Gmail Sponsored Promotions campaigns can be an excellent complement to your existing AdWords efforts for both brand promotion and specific goals (sales, lead acquisition, registrations, etc.).

Of course, there is also nothing to prevent them from being the exclusive channel for marketing communications.

Pawel Bak

SEM Specialist

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